Bill Wiese: 23 Minutes In Hell!
On November 23rd, 1998 Bill Wiese experienced something so horrifying it would continue to captivate the world for almost two decades....
The Darkness & Horrors Of Hell
Hell is very real! Many people in this world continue to live their lives without a worry or care or even have a simple thought about...
Testimonies Of The Glories Of Heaven
Together as a group, 7 Colombian youths who were in a prayer group were taken by Jesus Christ and shown Heaven and Hell. Here is a...
Heaven.. The Eternal Frontier, Beyond The Veil!
Do you ever think about eternity? Do you ever consider what happens the moment after you breathe your last breath on earth? Do you ever...
The Splendors & Wonders Of Heaven!
The Splendors of Heaven! When people think of heaven most primarily think that its a boring place with white fluffy clouds, little pudgy...
Christian Life, The Blessings & Challenges!
Living the Christian life definitely has its blessings, rewards and the ultimate gift given to the believer which is salvation, but...
Why Jesus, ...And No One Else?
Such a poignant and important question to ask.. why Jesus, and no one else? The simple most concise answer would be that there is no one...
Salvation, The Greatest Gift To Mankind!
Every year a season or moment of gift-giving falls upon us, whether it is the Christmas season or certain ceremonial holidays or birthday...